
It’s Easter! Smacznego Jajka for those who celebrate this special time. In Poland Easter is the most important holiday. I like the traditions that we have there. I really do. Yesterday I would paint the eggs, “pisanki” as we called them are the symbol of Easter. It’s an egg, boiled and then coloured and ornament is a various way. All depends on your imagination and creativity, and technic available. There are not just for decoration, we eat them on Sunday! We put them into “swieconka” a food basket with samples of other of Easter’s food and take it to church to bless it. Today my family would get together in the morning and have an Easter breakfast. Lots of good food prepared by my Mum must be on a table right now..

If you would tell me last year where I’m going to be in a year I would never, ever expected to be here, to travel, to do everything I’m doing now. It’s amazing how your small decisions, choices that you are making day by day lead to a bigger one, and bigger changes. This journey is an effect of not just one decision to drop my job and go travel. It’s a summary of small changes I made in my life in the recent years.

Easter metaphorically has a special meaning for me. It’s being dead and reborn again. Last year I was very curious about a catholic celebration of Easter, so for the first time in my adult life, with an adult awareness I participated in all Holly Week celebrations at church. The ceremonies were long, 2-3 hours in average each day, but so beautiful. An energy in a church was so healing and beautiful. Real blessing! If you ask me now what is my religion today? I don’t know what to tell you. Officially I’m a catholic, and there are lots of beautiful traditions and teachings in this religion but…If I’m honest with myself I have to admit a catholic church as an institution, hierarchy, rules/law created by human are not in line with my personal principles…

I believe in God or whatever name you chose to use: Allah, Buddha, Vishnu etc. I call it God because of my upbringing. I believe in a higher power , Creator who govern the world through natural laws, but at the same time gave a human being a gift of a free will. Look what we are doing with that gift? What are the choices we are making every single day?

I’m trying to stripped myself from any old beliefs I had, and create a new personal code of conduct. It’s a life time job, but I’m doing my best. There is one question I’ve heard somewhere and it stuck with me now. Question to ask yourself each time you make a choice, small choice, tiny choice, a big choice, any choice: “what would someone who loved themselves do?”  During this Easter time I wish you to reflect on that. I wish you to have a courage, and to not be afraid to ask any question, to reflect on cause and effect of your life. People like to think that life just happen to them. It’s easier this way. I understand that, I’ve been there for years and years. Well, I’m sorry to say, but it’s not true. Your current life is a summary of small choices you made over the years. Nothing, absolutely nothing just happen to you. You have a choice in life: to see it, recognise the pattern, or go blind. The choice is yours, that’s what I call a free will.

Enough of preaching:) I don’t have any Easter related pictures, but treated myself with a bid of luxury. This is a cabana I rent for the next month. Luxury is in having your own bathroom! It’s actually compost toilet, so no flushing all naturale ha ha and shower it’s  a bucket shower. It’s outside and that’s what is luxurious about it. Having a shower outside with stars above you…oh you cannot beat this with anything.


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2 thoughts on “Easter

  1. Gosiu wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Świąt Wielkanocnych. Życzymy Ci wszystkiego co najlepsze, najpiękniejsze i najsmaczniejsze. Również aby twoja podróż zakończyła się po twojej myśli i abyś odnalazła to czego tak poszukujesz. Ściskamy Cię mocno i przesyłamy całusy Magda i Krzyś.


    1. Dziekuje kochana! I oczywiscie nawzajem. abys rosla zdrowo i duzo a Krzys spelnial wszystkie Twoje zachcianki. Buziaki jajkowe x


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