Leap of faith

On Saturday my life has turned upside down with just one email “I am happy to write you that a spot in this year Hridaya Teacher training just opened up for you!”. I cried, I cried like a baby.

I did not tell anyone that I have applied, just few people who were there knew it. It was a very personal and fragile desire. It was my deal with God. I surrounded completely. I trusted that life will bring what is the best for me, so I patiently waited. The course was full, the waiting list was long, I applied the last-minute, my chances were slim, but I trusted…It was my deal with God.

What has inspired me? Do you remember a workshop I did back in May “From Pain to Peace” and my post Quo Vadis? – click me if you don’t. After that weekend I knew that it is exactly I want to do next. I want to run such workshops, I want to teach people how to find peace, how to find their inner voice, how to trust their guidance system, how to find their truth. Most importantly how to live from your heart and let the heart to guide you.

I’m a living proof that this is possible, my journey speaks for itself. I’ve found my peace. It’s not stable yet. I’m still going through lots ups and downs, but I know enough already so I can learn how to share and teach.

I’m taking a huge leap of faith and surrounding completely. Why?

The teacher trainning starts 21st of September and it’s 3 months long. It means I won’t be able to continue my round the world trip as RW ticket needs to be used within 1 year. On 30th November it’s going be a year…

It means that I’m throwing lots of money away. Once I have started a trip, and took a first flight to San Francisco the air fare is non refundable and there is no way of getting your money back. It’s an expensive course. I’m digging into my deep savings in order to do it and to support myself through this time.

I won’t have any ticket back to Europe. It will really become one-way ticket journey..

I’m literally throwing myself into something I don’t know how it’s going to work. All I know is that Hridaya teaching is beautiful, so I want to do this course there and not anywhere else. I know the people I’m going to share this intense 3 months are beautiful. I know that is exactly what I suppose to do next and not anything else.

I’m in Montazuma, Costa Rica at the moment. It’s a small fishing village on the Pacific cost. Few streets, nice beach and chilled atmosphere. It’s exactly what I needed after the Saturday news…. Life is but a dream, and you are the dreamer. If I would have to choose one sentence to describe my journey that would be it.

With love x

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12 thoughts on “Leap of faith

  1. o kase sie nie martw! jak bedziesz chciala wrocic to sie zrzucimy 🙂 dziekuje za cudowny prezent! jestem wzruszona ze pamietalas! buziaki i zyj Dziewczyno! :-*


    1. A mysliz ze wizzair lata do Meksyku . Taino by bylo:) buziaki I zyje jak tylko moge xxx


  2. Oh Gosia
    I am so happy for you, when I read this post my heart filled with joy for you. You are such an amazing lady and an inspiration and if this makes you happy you Go For It Girl!!!! Love and miss you loads and hope one day our paths cross again xxxxx luvs ya xxx


  3. exciting!!!!! i’m so so so so so so so happy for you!!!!!
    (and yes, money is just money, comes and go, don’t worry too much about that)

    lots of love dear cousin :-)))


    1. who would have thought? Ha ha love my dear xxxxx


  4. GO FOR IT! There are always flights back next year – sure it’s a bit of a waste of money but it’s only money. Plenty of that in the world, not so much peace of mind in my opinion. You go do that course, teach people to find their peace and then eventually head back to Europe! Who knows, you might win the lottery too 🙂 What I’ve learnt is that life will carry you through everything xxx


    1. Yes, yes, yes!!!!! You are a wise women:)))) it’s only money. One day my bank account will match my rich personality so I’m not that worried ha ha love xxxxxx


  5. WOW! Excited for you hun
    (but sad for me!)
    Big love xxx


    1. Sad? You can start put some money on side for an anniversary honeymoon in Mexico! That’s exciting possibility:)))


  6. That’s such exciting news!!! If you decide to stick around on the beach for a little while after the teacher training ends, we’ll have to get together when we return in January!


    1. You never know, you never know! I won’t have any ticket back home so…home is where I am ha ha


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